 Program 947 - Saturday, April 8th, 2006
  ==== NEW CD     ==== NEW LIVE     === NEW ARCHIVE === WORLD PREMIERE
Song Title  >>  Artist, Album Title (Label, Year)


Endless Dream  >>  Yes, Talk, (Victory, 1994) 
Stories  >>  Brighteye Brison, Stories, (Progress, 2006) 
Patterns  >>  Brighteye Brison, Stories, (Progress, 2006) 
Break It Down  >>  Tony Levin, Resonator, (Narada, 2006) 
Crisis Of Faith  >>  Tony Levin, Resonator, (Narada, 2006) 
Overture: Le Son Qui Nous Unit  >>  Yves Laferriere, Yves Lafferiere, (Progquebec, 1979/2006) 
La Cuisine Rouge  >>  Yves Laferriere, Yves Lafferiere, (Progquebec, 1979/2006) 
Le Gai Marvin  >>  Maneige, Ni Vent....Ni Nouvelle, (Progquebec, 1979/2006) 
Bullfrog Dance  >>  Maneige, Ni Vent....Ni Nouvelle, (Progquebec, 1979/2006) 
Stingy Brim  >>  Johnnie Valentino, Stingy Brim, (OmniTone, 2006) 
Stone Balloons  >>  Johnnie Valentino, Stingy Brim, (OmniTone, 2006) 
Ghostdancing  >>  Terje Rypdal, Vossabrygg,  (ECM, 2006) 
Key Witness  >>  Terje Rypdal, Vossabrygg,  (ECM, 2006) 
Makes You Wonder  >>  Terje Rypdal, Vossabrygg,  (ECM, 2006) 
Kyrie  >>  Popul Vuh, Letzte Tage - Letzte Nachte, (SPV, 1976) 
Letzte Tage-Letzte Nachte  >>  Popul Vuh, Letzte Tage - Letzte Nachte, (SPV, 1976) 
THE GPRN #1 CD: Bundles  >>  Soft Machine, Floating World Live, (Moonjune, 1975/2006) 
Spectral Mornings Steve Hackett, Spectral Mornings, (Charisma,1979)
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